Discover the Hidden Benefits of Journaling for a Healthier You

Discover the Hidden Benefits of Journaling for a Healthier You

Journaling is an excellent tool for exploring new ideas for achieving optimal health and wellness. By writing down your thoughts, you’ll uncover unhealthy patterns that have become a normal way of life, as well as pattens that serve you “well.” Lastly, journaling is useful for discovering new ways of thinking, and can also strengthen your resolve to commit and stick to your wellness plans as you realize your true motivations.

Writing down your emotions, as well as your wants and needs for the day, relationships, any body judgments (those of yourself and others), offer opportunities to unpack what’s happening in your inner world. 

By writing your thoughts down on paper or typing them on a computer, it gives you a chance to reflect on a deeper, cognitive level. The more you journal, you will begin to realize just how interconnected wellness and lifestyle improvement is to personal growth. 

Keep in mind as you journal, allow yourself creative license and avoid confining your thoughts to a linear process. Let your diary get messy and write stream of consciousness, meaning allow your thoughts and writing to flow wherever it likes.

To start journaling, consider these ideas:

Write a gratitude list. What are you truly grateful for?

Make a list of actions that you’ve taken toward your health and wellness goals. Remember, no step is too small or insignificant. 

Jot down all the things you have accomplished both personally and professionally in your life thus far.

As you write, only write about yourself. Let the negative thoughts that arise dissipate in the air. Identify when your thoughts are leaning towards that negative self-talk, observe it, and then move on. 

Lastly, commit to journaling 2-3 times a week, at minimum, but make the schedule doable for you. Try to see journaling as a welcomed part of your day by enjoying a cup of tea or sitting by a window and hearing the sounds of nature.

How does journaling help the coaching process?

Not only will you learn new things about yourself through journaling, but it also offers a chance to explore new thoughts through coaching. 

When you bring the ideas you’ve jotted down to the coaching session, talking about it deepens the coaching relationship and allows you, the client, to put your thoughts into words. The process of voicing your thoughts will enable you to synthesize your ideas and dreams, which can often yield new insights and perspectives. 

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