Ready for a BREAKTHROUGH in your autoimmune or chronic condition? Functional nutrition and coaching is right for you!

Hi! I’m Emily. Drawing upon current research and using a weight-neutral approach, I walk individuals suffering silently with complex health disorders through a step-by-step process to think more clearly, have more energy, heal their gut, and have more freedom in their food choices.

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Happy, healthy and whole

Build a solid foundation for life-long wellness

Is it possible to overcome a diagnosis and live a more present and fulfilled life? Discover if nutritional and lifestyle choices will help you feel and look your best. Regain zest and energy to do life on your terms. 

Discover More

What is a detox?

Detoxification is not a new approach to medicine and healing. It can be used to optimize the body’s ability to metabolize xenobiotic compounds, which are also known simply as “toxins.”

With the help of powerful questioning, collaboration and working with other providers, you will discover the right nutrition and lifestyle practices that will help you achieve your desired health outcomes, whether that’s improving your body composition or simply feeling better and more alive!

Request a Free Consultation
Chronic Disease Management
Let's get personal. A customized health and nutrition plan that fits you!
Healing Protocols
Nourish your mind, spirit and body with functional nutrition counseling and health coaching
Environmental Health-Centered
'Detox' your way by letting go and using food as medicine.


Are you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain after receiving a chronic disease or autoimmune diagnosis? You’re not alone.

Have you recently visited a healthcare professional, received a prescription or a list of recommendations, and found yourself uncertain about how to proceed in reclaiming your life after facing a chronic illness or autoimmune diagnosis? The initial stages of such a diagnosis can feel incredibly isolating.

As someone who has experienced the challenges of being an autoimmune warrior myself, I understand the struggle. However, you don’t have to navigate this path on your own. My approach recognizes that your autoimmune diagnosis is significant and necessitates focused time, attention, and a personalized care strategy.

The realization that you may need to depend on medication for the remainder of your life can be overwhelming. In an instant, everything changes. You might view your autoimmune condition as a burden; however, it can also serve as an opportunity—a chance to tune into your body’s needs, celebrate your strengths, and implement positive lifestyle changes that enhance not only your well-being but also foster compassion for yourself and those around you.

When you engage in nutrition counseling and health coaching with me, I adopt an integrated approach alongside other healthcare professionals involved in your care. Together we will explore the underlying causes of your long-term or autoimmune symptoms and identify potential triggers contributing to inflammation and discomfort in your body.

Factors like stress, food sensitivities, inactivity, poor sleep quality, or subpar nutrition won’t stand a chance when we collaborate effectively and you commit to prioritizing yourself.

Together we will combat autoimmunity and chronic illness through a holistic approach. Keep pressing forward, warriors!

Individual & Group Coaching

Benefit from working with a select group of like-minded individuals who are seeking to overcome autoimmune disease and chronic illness. 


Interactive programs designed to engage, ignite and inspire individuals to create positive change in their health and wellness.

Keynote Speaker

Inspiring talks centered on autoimmune health and wellness, including how an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition and lifestyle can transform your life.

Autoimmune Health & Wellness Coaching

4 Steps to Success

If you’ve set out to find relief from your autoimmune disease and have only been met with more medical bills and frustration, then you’re in the right place. Healing from autoimmune disease is difficult and complex, but not impossible.

As a supportive ally who has learned to tame the autoimmune beast within, I help individuals just like you find solutions that will restore you to better health and ensure you have energy to play with your kids, go for the promotion, play your best round of golf yet, or confidently book the overseas trip.

Health and wellness coaching and functional nutrition therapy bolsters your ability to identify an appropriate starting point and goals, while you glean useful recommendations and craft a solid plan that is both attainable and challenging.

Let’s get started!

Step 1:

Mindset & Motivation

Analyze limiting beliefs that are holding you back from optimal immune health and discover the root cause of your symptoms and concerns.

Step 2:

Stress & Sleep

We’ll start to drill down to specific factors like lack of sleep and stressful events that are hindering you from achieving optimal health.

Step 3:

Nutrition & Movement

Next, we’ll dive deeper to understand your diet and movement, which are essential factors that may vastly improve or eliminate autoimmune-related symptoms. 

Step 4:

Accountability & Results

Achieve success as you evolve in all facets of your life: mental, emotional, and physical, allowing you to overcome autoimmune disease on your terms. 

About Emily Ann Brown, MS, CNS
Functional Clinical Nutritionist and Autoimmune Wellness Coach

I specialize in helping individuals with chronic autoimmune conditions take back their health so it doesn’t hold them back from living a life they love. I harness my curiosity and over a decade of experience as a journalist as I take an investigative and coach approach to discover the right nutritional and lifestyle choices that will catapult you to optimal health and wellness. Using a whole foods, anti-inflammatory program, I help clients feel amazing and look better while regaining zest and energy.

I am a proud Howard University graduate and a certified health and wellness coach with a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine. I have also obtained training through The Institute for Functional Medicine and AFPA.

I am a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), specializing in advanced medical nutrition therapy, research, and education in outpatient settings and the community.

Conditions Supported

Autoimmune Disorders
Food Allergies
Food Sensitivities/Intolerances
Hormone Imbalance
Brain Health (Neurotransmitters)
Mitochondrial Health
Liver and Kidney Health

Client Testimonial

Emily’s greatest strength is that she is grounded and focused. Her strength supported me when I was aimless with my actions and vague with my thoughts. She kept me accountable by realigning me with my weekly and overall goals. Another strength she possesses is the ability to solve problems with deep curiosity.

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Eat Right, Feel Bright: How to Boost Your Mind With Nutrition

Mental health nutrition: Discover how food impacts mood, fights depression, and eases anxiety. How simple dietary changes can boost clarity and happiness!

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Health coaching isn’t just for the sick. It can benefit individuals who wish to remain healthy and individuals who envision a better life.

How to Fight Chronic Inflammation by Changing the Way You Eat

Learn the key ways you can lower chronic inflammation today with nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

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